TEJI TUESDAYS - 9th July 2024

feed vs search, be weird, imperfect action, friction, podcast

Issue #037 · 9th July, 2024

Hi All!

Here is your weekly dose of TEJI, a weekly round up of what I’m pondering and exploring. Feel free to forward along to a friend if you think they might enjoy.

Take the words feed and search, now think to yourself what word sounds more nourishing, not only to your mind but to your soul.

I personally think the word feed sounds somewhat dirty and reminds me of a pig overeating from a trough that takes whatever scraps its owner decides to throw its way.

Whereas the word search reminds me of discovery and adventure. It feels like I’m on an expedition searching for some kind of lost treasure.

Now, the reason why I bring this up is because I’m a big believer in going out and finding the things you want in your life and not being a passive consumer being told what to eat.

The words feed and search are two common words that are used on basically every social media platform today. It takes more effort to go search for the things you want to consume but I personally think there’s much greater rewards when you do the extra work.

You can literally mould your TikTok feed to inspire instead of distract.

While there are so many pros to scrolling your feed, every now and again try to search for something new. Look for something that’s been on your mind for the past few weeks and dive a little deeper.

A quote I enjoyed last week

Do the weirdest thing that feels right.

The Art of Imperfect Action

Here’s a short essay I found last week on X I thought was inspiring. I’m a huge believer in accepting imperfection as a way to jumpstart any kind of task or goal you might have.

The Fun is in The Friction

We’ve lost the art of patience and discovery. If we can’t have it now, we don’t want it and since delivery times are shrinking and algorithms are telling us who to follow, most of us never dare to venture beyond what’s recommended. 

It's become too easy to just follow the path of least resistance. We've become confined by our comfort and forgotten how to hunt. 

The Lost Art of Patience

There’s a magic in sifting through a thrift store. You never know what you’re going to find and although you'll probably leave the store empty handed. If you do manage to find that one item, it makes the entire wait worth it.

People used to wait outside of video game stores til midnight for the latest Call of Duty release. Whereas today's gamers get the latest releases delivered to their consoles while they sleep. 

Most movies today are released direct to streaming. People don't bother going to the cinemas anymore because it's easier to just stream the movie from home.

There's an endless amount of examples I could give you to demonstrate that although things have become easier for the consumer, things have also become less interesting.

The Devaluing of The Physical

We've devalued physical objects and experiences, in favour of a digital existence. No longer do we get to experience things in the real world. 

Everything changed after COVID-19. People started working from home and businesses were forced to think of digital first solutions. We forgot how to communicate with people and we became so entwined with our devices that the thought of speaking with another human being in the real world now sends fear down our spines.

I'm of course generalising here and making sweeping statements on the state of humanity and I completely understand this isn't the case for everyone.

But I am worried.

Worried that we might lose the beauty of touch, patience and discovery.

Keep in mind this is coming from a self proclaimed techno optimist and although I'm excited to enter an even more digital world with the rise of augmented and virtual reality environments. I'm worried we might be sacrificing a little too much of the beauty of the tangible for the comfort of the virtual.

A frictionless world is boring, the fun is in the friction.

A reminder about my podcast :)

For those who don’t know I’ve been releasing weekly podcast episodes where I interview anyone I find interesting. Some episodes are more discussion. based whereas others focus more on individuals journeys. If you haven’t listened to an episode yet and have been looking for a new podcast, I’d urge you to give a few of the episodes a go. I’ve attached a screenshot of a list of the episodes so far for you to pick from.

You can listen on Spotify here.


Feel free to give me feedback on Twitter. What did you like? What do you want more of? What do you want less of? Other suggestions? Please let me know. Just send a tweet to @TEJITOPIA and put #TEJITUESDAYS at the end so I can find it.

Hope everyone enjoys their week!


TEJI (@tejitopia)

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