TEJI TUESDAYS - 6th February 2024

perception of self is everything, becoming anti fragile, beethoven, tiktok cesspools, music

Issue #015 · 6th Feb, 2024

Hi All!

Here is your weekly dose of TEJI, a weekly round up of what I’m pondering and exploring. Feel free to forward along to a friend if you think they might enjoy.

Perception of yourself is EVERYTHING

I recently started reading a new book called Psycho Cybernetics 2000. The book is about breaking false belief systems we have about ourselves that have formed over the years growing up. Small moments in our childhoods often take a grip over our self esteem and beliefs about what we can achieve. We are often completely unaware of the programming running in the back of our subconscious minds guiding us towards or away from our goals.

It’s not until we identify the root of our fears holding us back and make conscious effort to create new neural pathways in our brains. A little exercise I’ve been doing over the years that has helped restructure my own belief system and create new ways of thinking — is simply driving a different way home.

It sounds simple but by doing something outside of your existing patterns you can begin to rewire your brain and create new connections. If your into any of this sort of stuff I’d highly recommend looking into reading either the original Psycho Cybernetics or the modern day version Psycho Cybernetics 2000 that I’m reading right now.

Don’t Chase Happiness, Become Anti Fragile

Becoming anti fragile means with every painful emotion or setback you encounter, you become more resilient. It’s a basic idea we often forget and need to be reminded of every now and again. Especially when you are going through something that might be challenging in your life.

If you goto the gym the only way to build muscle mass or to become leaner is by putting your muscles under stress — the muscles tear and come back bigger and stronger. The same principle applies to life.

So if by any chance anyone out of the 100 people who read this each week is going through something challenging right now. Remember that this is only a net positive to your overall character score. Embrace these challenging times and know when you come out the other side you will be even stronger then when you entered it.

I took inspiration for this section from this short 7 minute video on the idea of becoming anti fragile.

A Quote I Liked

Here’s a quote I found last week I thought was great.

I’m so sick of short form content

Look, I love that TikTok and Instagram has allowed for me to get a few million views on some of my videos. It’s even allowed for me to grow my audience even larger through some of my content. But that’s where things go wrong. The word content, everything has become so called “content”. The art has been lost and artists and creators are forced to compete for attention in the cesspits of the world of short form content.

You have to dumb everything down and make sure everything you do is optimised for retention. Although it’s never been easier to build an audience I don’t like the games you have to play. I found a video last week you should check out, that echoed the exact sentiment I have been feeling over the past six months.

Although I probably won’t stop posting short form content, this is one of the reasons why I’ve enjoyed writing a newsletter each week and even writing longer form posts on my personal site.

What I’m listening to right now

My first newsletter had a link to my song of the week and I thought now that I’m working on an album it might be cool to share some of the songs I’ve had on repeat over the past two or three weeks.

Feel free to give me feedback on Twitter. What did you like? What do you want more of? What do you want less of? Other suggestions? Please let me know. Just send a tweet to @TEJITOPIA and put #TEJITUESDAYS at the end so I can find it.

Hope everyone enjoys their week!


TEJI (@tejitopia)

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