TEJI TUESDAYS - 25 June 2024

mindful consumption, zine fairs, iphone photography, memes, the green pill

Issue #035 · 25th June, 2024

Hi All!

Here is your weekly dose of TEJI, a weekly round up of what I’m pondering and exploring. Feel free to forward along to a friend if you think they might enjoy.

The Rise of Mindful Consumption

Last weekend I turned my iPhone into a dumb phone so I can try improve my mindfulness around media consumption. This is because I believe the world is slowly waking up to some of the detrimental effects algorithms and excessive consumption can have on our attention spans.

I previously wrote an article on info diets expanding on some of my thoughts on curating a more mindful online experience if you’d like to check it out.

However, if you don’t have time check out some of the bullet points below on some predictions for where things are going.

Zine fairs

Yesterday I attended the other worlds zine fair here in Sydney and it was completely packed. I’d never seen so many people interested in homemade magazines in my life.

Also for anyone who might not know what a zine is, here’s a definition from Google.

I think this comes back to the increasing rise of the need of tangible goods and experiences in an ever increasing digital world. People want to experience real things made by real humans.

I can only see events like this growing rapidly as we enter an AI future and I personally love it. I collected so many cool little pieces of work from artists all over the place. From photographs, to zines to pieces of art — everything is extremely affordable and it’s a super fun experience I’d urge you to check out.

Finding beauty in the mundane with photography

The thing I love about photography is that it makes you pay more attention to the world around you. I used to be an avid photographer when I was younger and it really opened my eyes to the beauty of every day life.

Photography teaches you how to see the world through the lens of beauty. It forces you to slow down and become an observer of the world. It’s why I used to love street photography so much, because it could shine a light on something so simple that if undocumented would go completely ignored.

I found a great article last week on iPhone street photography which I thought was a great primer for anyone wanting to get into capturing life. Especially because you really don’t even need an expensive camera to get started. You can literally just start taking photos with your phone.

There’s a great quote below from the post I found quite inspiring.

Remember, you don’t just make things beautiful, they already are. I’ll stop you at the moment to see how to eat with your eyes first, with no camera at all! It’s a place where I’ll guide you by just slowly observing life

Memes are now

I found a really great explanation of memes on X this morning that went like this:

“Memes are a miniature, massive inside joke that is no longer inside. But it gives the feeling we are inside because we are on our phones when we view it. So it seems very isolated. We can’t perceive how connected we are and it makes us feel very attached to these ideas. It feels like we’re in on a secret because it tricks the mind with this illusion.” 

Check out the full video below

The green pill

Last week I read a free e-book called Greenpilled: How Crypto Can Regenerate The World and I instantly fell in love with the ideas around building regenerative systems that can help create a more sustainable future.

The book is an extremely short read and it breaks down a lot of the misconceptions around cryptocurrencies. It’s a great book that helps combat the degenerate behaviours we are seeing right now in web3. If you are any what interested in this I urge you to give the book a chance even if its a quick skim through the pages.

Feel free to give me feedback on Twitter. What did you like? What do you want more of? What do you want less of? Other suggestions? Please let me know. Just send a tweet to @TEJITOPIA and put #TEJITUESDAYS at the end so I can find it.

Hope everyone enjoys their week!


TEJI (@tejitopia)

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